Tuesday 8 November 2011

Interview about horror films

As a questionnaire isn't the only self-report technique, Harrison and I each decided to interview one person each of different ages about horror films and their opinions on them. For my interview I chose my mother - 40 years old - someone who refuses to watch horror films with me; to dig a bit deeper!!

What is your opinion on horror films?
"I can watch them if they are gory because a bit of blood and guts doesn't bother me, but now I absolutely hate suspense – something that I used to enjoy. I used to love horror films when I was a teenager but I’m too scared to watch most of them now. I don’t want to be sitting behind a pillow the whole time missing the film because that’s what I tend to do these days!"

Is there anything that you like/used to like about them?
“Sometimes horror films are so gory that they’re funny. The Final Destination films for example are so ridiculous that you can’t help but find them amusing because things like that would be so unfortunate to happen in real life.”

How do you think horror films have changed over time?
“They are so much gorier, what with access to better equipment and special effects. Some things however, make you wonder if the person writing or directing the film may have a bit of a sick mind to even come up with that idea in the first place. If you look at a film 15 or 20 years ago they look so tame now compared to the films that are out these days. The original Friday 13th was such a big thing at the time and now it just seems lame. It makes me wonder why I was even that tiny bit frightened!”

What were the first horror films you remember watching?
“‘Friday 13th’ and ‘The Fog’ were the main ones I remember watching. They were in the cinema - those were the ones that stick out the most as I was quite scared at those at the time. However I enjoyed the thrill of it. When I was younger I wasn’t as frightened as I am at things now; it’s like roller-coasters, the older I get the scarier they become.”

Would you see a horror film in the cinema today?
“Not unless I was forced or begged to by someone that really needed me to go. I’d much rather wait for it to come out on DVD so I can watch it in my own comfortable environment with the lights on!! Or I’d much rather just go to the cinema to see a Rom-Com.”

Did you have a favourite horror film when you liked watching them?
“I don’t know if they are classed as horror films, but ‘The Shining’ and ‘Carrie’ I really enjoyed. They involved blood and gore but they weren’t too scary and had a really good storyline. I don’t think ‘Saw’ has a good storyline, those films are too far fetched they are just killing for killing.”

Do you have any additional comments about horror films?
“Yes I do actually. Nowadays there are a lot of nutters out there. It makes me worried that someone will copy some films. I didn’t used to think that way but now horror films can be so horrific that I think there will be at least one person out there in the world that would go to the extreme to do it.”

Having taken into consideration everything that my mum has said in her interview with me, I decided that my target audience would be the younger generation of girls and boys of 18-30 years of age. My film will also not be so horrific as to alienate the older generation, but will have scary jumpy moments which most people who enjoy chillers and thrillers love!

1 comment:

  1. An interesting interview...it's good to get this sort of feedback...has it had any effect on the choices and decisions made when planning your own work?
