Friday 25 November 2011

Magazine Cover: Step Six/Final Cover

Seeing as there was information about the month's top top 10 films, I thought that it would be good to include a feature reviewing a film, I chose Final Destination as this is a popular film and most people have at least heard of the horror film series. I put this in yellow to stand out as yellow is quite a bright colour. I also chose the horror film 'Jennifer's Body' and wrote on the cover that there was an interview inside with the main character of the film Megan Fox. Megan Fox is quite popular with the male audience as she is attractive and this would also draw in the other audience as they may want to read about it because of what she looks like. I also included a competition advertising the prize of the replica of the puppet in the horror film 'Saw'. Saw fanatics may read this magazine and this could entice them to buy the product!

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