Monday 21 November 2011

*Adding Wound Shot To My Trailer

This is a photograph of the wound that I created on my models arm. My storyline involved the clown carving a balloon shape into his victims skin to leave his mark at the crime scene. So using my wax, I created a balloon shape and filled the insides black to create depth. I then designed the bruising around it, using a rough sponge dabbing dark purple paint around the wound. This was finished off by painting red paint around the cut, and squirting thick gloopy fake blood into the slice to make it look realistic. To make the wound look fresh and glossy I used a glaze of washing up liquid on top.
I took a cork screw from my kitchen and got a helper to rest the screw into the pretend wound to make it look as though this was really slicing into the skin. I filmed this on my camera for two seconds and uploaded it to my Movie Maker Timeline. I fitted it into the section that I wanted, followed by adding a Fade In Effect along with a Film Age Effect which made it look very old. I used colour here to emphasize the blood and wound.

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