Monday 31 October 2011

Textual Analysis of Film Magazine (3)

The central image is what catches the audience’s eye first when it comes to magazines. The cover of this specific film magazine involves the three main characters from the well-known supernatural fantasy film saga ‘Twilight’. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner are known world-wide and using these characters on the cover of a magazine is ideal as it will draw in a great number of the magazines target audience. The positioning of the characters on this cover displays the basis of the storyline - how the two men are both in love with the woman and how she feels trapped. This way the audience will feel that they are familiar and connected with the film, making it more appealing and want to read the magazine.

The magazine title for this cover really stands out against the mysterious, cold background. It not only links to the vampire story but has a bright glowing effect behind the characters making it still stand out even though the characters are the main focus. Again, the barcode is presented vertically, making sure no attention is taken away from the central image.

'FREE GIANT POSTERS' are also advertised on the cover of the magazine, which is written in a large font at the top of the page, not stealing the limelight away from the main image/story, but it's big enough to be noticed and have attention paid to.

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