Monday 21 November 2011

Feedback On My Completed Trailer

This is a copy of my feedback question sheet which I handed out to a couple of people. I asked my sister and my mum to ask a couple of their friends to watch it and to answer the questions, this way the answers wouldn't be bias if they knew I had created it.

All of the answers to the first question were a yes. Results found that some enjoyed the part where the clown was in the toys, the part at the door where some explained how it made them jump when the clown banged on the window! This part along with the ending with the girl screaming made everyone jump as they weren't expecting it. The music got a positive response as a couple of people stated that the music was very catchy and staid in their heads! While others described that it was very eerie and 'haunting'. Majority of people answering the questions explained that they would go and watch it if it was a real film, one reply was 'DEFINITELY!!!'. Some said that the storyline was clear while others said that it wasn't extremely clear but from the trailer could get a rough idea! All participants answering the questions said that there was enough varied video effects. The last question got a variety of responses, all positive! Someone put down that "to improve it.. you should make it longer!! Wanted to see more!".

Overall my results for this trailer was all round positive which I am very pleased about!

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