Monday 21 November 2011

*Adding Moving Text Into My Trailer

This here is a print screen of my Movie Maker Timeline. To create this moving text, I opened up a word document selected the 'Chiller' font, with a red glow around it. I entered the words 'YOU DON'T FACE THIS FEAR.. IT FACES YOU' against a black background. I also inserted a red balloon to match with the clown theme. Once this was all completed on this document I pasted it to a Paint file and cropped it and inserted onto my timeline. I then used the 'Ease In' effect; an effect used in real trailers. This way it looks as though the information is being thrusted at you, forcing you to read it although you are drawn to it automatically anyway.

This is the final outcome of one of  the pieces of moving text in my trailer. It looks creepy as though it has been written in blood.

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