Monday 21 November 2011

Film Poster: Step One

Step One was searching through and analysing a selection of my favourite images. Some of my images were blurred therefore these were deleted, along with the photographs that I thought didn't really work well or didn't compliment my film very well. Here is my analysis of my three favourite images:

Out of the 30 images that I took on my photo-shoot, this is one of my favourite shots. I darkened the edges to give it a strange feel as though the clown has just come out of no where which makes it quite ghastly. I have also adjusted the colour so that it is not completely black and white but has a hint of colour but a darkness to it. I have also darkened out the eyes to make it seem anonymous – this is difficult for anyone to see the real identity of the stalker clown.

I like the facial expression of my model, she looks as though she is in pain and screaming for help but struggling to call out as the clown has more control. This makes the audience pity the girl and be frightened of the clown. The camera angle also adds to the vulnerability of the girl and the strength of the clown because it is quite a high angled shot however tilted slightly. The glove is quite bright as this is quite a large focus of the image as it is the thing that is holding down the model.
If I was to re-take this photograph I would make sure that the glove was a little bit cleaner. I really like this photograph though; I think that there is enough space to position text around it, making it a possible image for a magazine cover.

This is another favourite of mine, the feature that I like best is the blood splatter over the white door and the face of the clown. The red on the door suggests the innocence (white door) being ruined by the red blood. This effect was added on the website

I also like the brightness of the colours on the clown, I edited the saturation to make the colours illuminous and really stand out against the dark black background which contains the unknown. The low angled shot connotes the power and strength the clown has over everyone. It makes him more dominant than everything and more threatening from an audience’s perspective.

I have also edited the clowns eyeballs so that they are completely white, making it look like no one human is actually behind the mask making it all the more creepier. I also darkened the background with a black fill making it look as though the clown can  come from anywhere. You never know where he is hiding! This is a possible photograph for a magazine cover.

I like this photograph as everything around the main image of the clown coming into a door is clouded around it black. It is also a very clear shot, meaning that you can see all of the features of the clown, because the clown is facing forward looking at the camera you are able to fully see the mask. I think if this was what I saw trying to get into my front door I would be terrified therefore the positioning of the image is perfect!
I am very happy with this image as I think it looks professional because of the colours and contrast. There is also enough space around the image to insert text and titles to make it either a poster or a magazine cover and fits really well with the horror theme.
The reds and greens and yellow colours are all bright colourful exhilarating colours – the quality of clowns but the face is so horrific that it takes away this feel and puts a horror theme on it.

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