Sunday 20 November 2011

*Adding Production Company Intro To My Trailer

Most trailers begin with the film production company name, so I decided to design and create my own. As I settled on the name 'MACABRE PRODUCTIONS', I opened up a Word Document and inserted a black text box and chose the font 'Chiller' for the text. I chose this because quite creepy and as though someone has written it with ink/blood - the sort of writing you'd see in horror films. I chose to design the colours contrasting from orange to red, as this represents blood and danger. The background was black to suggest mystery and the unknown. I also placed a reflection of the words underneath slightly to resemble a pool of blood.

I then cropped this and opened it up onto a document on 'Windows Movie Maker'. I also downloaded off of the internet a sound effect of a lightening bolt - which again created a horror, chilling effect. I placed both of these onto the movie time-line together and added the following effects: Film Age Old, Film Age Older, Ease In and Fade in from black. All of these effects combined created an old-fashioned but modern feel to the opening of my horror teaser trailer.

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