Tuesday 8 November 2011

'Mirrors' Film Poster Analysis

The main image on this film poster is of three people, one child sitting on the floor playing with the water on the floor while two adults are watching on. The water appears to be murky and mysterious which links to the film storyline of a curse inside mirrors that force people to commit violent acts they don’t want to do. No one in the film knows why it’s happening or how to stop it, which makes them powerless and the mirrors overriding. The water appears to be inside a room inside a house and this isn’t ordinary so perhaps the only way for the mirrors to get to their victims is through water reflection, this way they cannot hide from it. The way the image is constructed is very clever; the point where the boy is touching the water is the clear divide between the two worlds as well as a divide in the image – on top of the water and underneath. Not only does this image indicate the two realms as binary opposition – good and evil, life and death – but so does the little caption either side of the reflection of the boy in the water; THERE IS EVIL… ON THE OTHER SIDE. This is layered on top of the dirty water in a clear white font to contrast and make it more visible.

The word ‘MIRRORS’ displayed at the top center of the poster contrasts against the dull, dark colours used on the poster because it is written in blood red. Red is a typical colour that is used in horror films as it can not only connote death; but also ‘stop’. It could be used to portray a cry for help for the pain or imprisonment to finish, which link well into the film as the characters in the film have no control over their reflection in the mirrors. The colour could also indicate that somewhere in the film there are various violent actions. One of the ‘R’s in the word ‘mirrors’ has been flipped over to make it look as though it is ‘mirrored’ to link in with the theme of the film, which is interesting an eye-catching.

There isn’t much textual information about the release date of the film except the words ‘COMING SOON’ which is also written quite small. This is teasing for the audience and builds up the excitement and anticipation to the release date.

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