Thursday 20 October 2011

Test-Run Photoshoot

Mine and Harrison's friend Joanne agreed to help us out and be our model for the Test Run Photoshoot. Joanne is a drama student and found that she was very good with improvising and portraying different expressions and body language in the photographs. We thought she was a fantastic model.

This was Joanne before the shoot:

The first steps to creating this shoot was Joanne's hair and makeup. We began with the Special Effects Makeup where we rolled up wax into a long sausage shape and pressed it onto Joanne's skin. This was going to be a pretend scar, which we positioned across her nose from one corner of her face to the other. Using a plastic spatula we worked the outside of the wax onto her skin to give it a raised effect. Following this, we run the spatula down the centre of the wax and opened it as if it was an open wound. We then used black, red and purple paint to create a blood, open glossy wound. We then added dabs of yellow to give it a puss effect. We then started sponging white face-paint all over her face, neck and arms, which was followed by dabbing black, purple and red paint together to create a bruise effect on her forehead. We added fake blood around Joanne's mouth as if to look as though she had been eating flesh/blood, and red and black paint under her eyes to make her look ill.

After back combing and adding a bit of water to Joanne's hair we dressed her in an old fashioned dress from a local Charity Shop and splattered it with fake blood. The look was now complete! Here is the final product:

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing transformation! Excellent planning and organisation!
