Friday 7 October 2011

Questionnaire Analysis

Here I have gathered my information from my questionnaire and analysed it by putting them into different graph forms. I have also written some information about my findings:

This was my beginning question, asking whether the participant was male or female. I handed this questionnaire out to seven people, three of those seven were male and four were female. This pie chart here shows the difference. Gender could affect whether horror films are popular or not with my specific participants.

This question was which age rang my participants fell into, 2 out of the 7 were between 12-15 years old, another 2 were over 40 years old and other 3 were between the ages of 16-18, 19-25 and 25-40. This is shown by my part chart.

This was my third question and asking my participants whether or not they like horror films. 4/7 said yes, whilst the other 3 said no.

This question asked how they watched horror films. This question they were able to tick more than one answer. One person prefers the cinema, 5 prefer on the TV, one person on the internet and DVD had three people. The reason for these answers could be determined by individual differences eg. someone may feel safer and more comfortable watching it on TV in their own home.

3 out of the 7 said that the majority of their friends don't watch horror films, whereas the other 4 said that their friends do.

My next question involved whether their first horror film that they ever watched scared them at the time. After looking at my results and analysing them for this question, all seven participants said that they were scared by their first horror film.

This bar chart reflects the results of my next question, I wanted to find out why don't people like being scared. 1 person chose the 'Nightmares' option, two people said because they get scared easily and they don't like being scared. No body said that they didn't like it because it made them look weak, and the mode was that they don't like the adrenaline when being scared.

My next question was asking them why they do like being scared, three people said that they don't. The other four said they do like the adrenaline rush, whilst no one chose the 'because it desensitizes me' option.

My next question asked why they watch horror films, three people said that because they don't get scared they enjoy them. This was the mode answer, whilst two people said that they like the gore. No body chose the 'because they make me laugh' or 'because of the suspense' options.

'Do you get nightmares from horror movies?' was my next question. One person chose yes, whilst five chose the 'no' option. One person said that they do occassionally. The mode answer was 'No'. My next question was whether they like horror movie sequals with four people saying yes and the other three saying no.

I then wanted to find out what the favourite main concept of a horror movie would be. The people taking part in the questionnaire were able to choose more than one answer. Three people chose gore, whilst six people like the Psychological aspect of horror films. Three people chose originality of films and no one chose suspense or scary music. This helped me when designing my film! The next question was whether having a final person as a lone survivor at the end gives a better effect, this was interesting three people said yes and four people said no so this was quite a tight one.

The final question was finding out what kind of antagonist is preferred in a horror movie. Three people chose zombies, two people chose vampires, two chose werewolves and no one chose aliens, mythological creatures, giant animals or bugs or children. Serial killers was quite popular along with the unknown for example paranormal activity. These results of the final question were a great help and really made me think when designing my own film and film storyline. I took this into account.

1 comment:

  1. It would be good to add the analysis of your findings for us to see how your audience feedback affected your decisions
