Saturday 15 October 2011

Trouble With Derelict..

For mine and Harrison's storyline, we were planning on basing the film in a derelict house. Therefore we visited one in Sidcup to have a look whether it would be suitable for our trailer or not. We visited the house in the evening once it had got dark. However there were noises coming from the house and it looked too dangerous so we decided it would be safer to not go any closer. The windows were smashed and curtains being blown from the wind, there were no lights, the grass was beyond over-grown and there were rats in nearby bushes. This would of been a perfect location for our type of trailer. Below is a picture of the house:

We both decided that maybe a derelict building wasn't the most suitable of ideas for a location for our trailer, so we thought that we should re-think our ideas and possible choose another storyline. However we still wanted to stick with the horror genre but just change to a different plot all together with a different location. We felt that we may be too out of our depth with this idea.

A few weekends later, we re-visited the house but during the day so it was safer and lighter. These were some pictures taken from outside the building:

The front door was already open, so we ventured inside the house being very careful. We found that it was in fact an unoccupied bungalow with a few pieces of ruined/old furniture scattered around. We took some photographs of the different rooms:

There were newspapers, glass, dirt, tools and broken furniture everywhere. After visiting the house Harrison and I came away thinking that it had no scary effect to the house, it just looked like a tip. It also was quite dangerous with the missing floorboards, smashed glass and bad smell. We then came to the conclusion that we should change our location for our trailer.

1 comment:

  1. A brilliant location and good photo evidence of your planning. I think the exterior views are quite scary! However, you've just given me a heart attack in terms of health and safety! I feel almost glad that you won't be filming there!
