Thursday 20 October 2011

Adding Location To The Test-Run Photoshoot

With our model look complete, we took Joanne to the meadows and took some photographs focusing on location. In the following first set of pictures we focused on the lighting of the images, using the sun rays to outline her shadow and to add to the creepiness of the photographs. We also focused on the woods/green setting connoting that perhaps she is familiar with her surroundings, lurking in bushes and behind tree's waiting on her prey - much like the idea of an blood-thirsty animal.

The next group of photographs were shot by the river edge and by the bridge. We picked the perfect time in the evening to shoot this photoshoot as the sun was just going down, adding the creepy effect on the water making it look eery and gloomy. In the images where Joanne is lying down face down in the grass, her hair covers her face and the darkness surrounding the image connotes a sense of mystery and uneasiness. The idea of Joanne having wet hair made it not only look greasy, as if the girl was dirty and not human-like but makes her look as though she has been living in the river for a long while and adapting to her surroundings. The image of her lurking in between the grass makes it seem eerie also as that would not be something that anyone would like to come across whilst walking their dog in the fields. The close up camera shots were to capture the detail of the makeup and the facial expressions.

I think Joanne did a fantastic job improvising facial expressions and body language that she created when these photographs were being taken. This concludes with a very successful photoshoot, edging mine and Harrison towards this specific idea more.


  1. Really effective choice of location and positioning for effect.

  2. So...I am scared now.....where is the film?? Time is running out!
