Friday 7 October 2011

A Final Decision

After lots of thought and research, Harrison and I decided to settle on the idea of a teaser trailer for our A2 Coursework. We then had the choice of whether to make a horror teaser trailer or a teaser trailer for an action film. We eventually came to the conclusion that we would create a horror trailer as this interested us both equally and we felt we could access the necessary resources to create a fantastic finished product.

The next step was to decide which sort of horror film we would decide on making a trailer for, whether it would be in the style of certain gruesome films such as 'Saw' or whether they would be jumpy and filled with suspense; films such as 'Friday 13th' and 'Halloween'. Harrison and I decided that the next stage would be to analyse existing horror film trailers, this way we could understand and get ideas.

So, overall by the end of the project we are both planning to produce:
  • A detailed blog explaining our progress throughout the project
  • A horror teaser trailer
  • A magazine cover promoting our horror film
  • A film poster for our horror film

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see that your decisions were based on solid research into the different aspects of media
